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    Aged breakdown of job charges according to billing cycle

    Makes it easy to understand job finances at a glance

    Categories in the job summary screen (Not Completed, Ready to Invoice, Balance Payable, Paid)

    Not Completed

    Sum all the labour charges/tasks which are still opened.
    This will give us indication about how long the tasks are still opened.

      • Current - we started to work on the task in the last 7 days
      • 7 days - we started to work on the task more then 7 days ago but less then 14 days ago.
      • 14 days - we started to work on the task more then 14 days ago but less then 30 days ago.
      • 30 days - we started to work on the task more then 30 days ago but less then 60 days ago.
      • 60 days - We are working on the task for more then 60 days

    (Red colour means warning - default after 14 days)

    Ready to Invoice 

    Sum all the completed labour items/tasks or materials that haven't been invoiced yet.
    This can give you indication when you havn't invoiced for more then 14 days

      • Current - We have waiting labour charges and materials that haven’t been invoiced in the last 7 days
      • 7 days - We have waiting labour charges and materials that haven’t been invoiced for more then 7 days but less then 14 days ago.
      • 14 days - We have waiting labour charges and materials that haven’t been invoiced for more then 14 days but less then 30 days ago.
      • 30 days - We have waiting labour charges and materials that haven’t been invoiced for more then 30 days but less then 60 days ago.
      • 60 days - We have waiting labour charges and materials that haven’t been invoiced for more then 60 days.

    (Red colour means warning - default after 14 days)

    Balance Payable

    Balance due amount on processes invoices (waiting for payment)

      • Current - The invoice amount is due for the last 7 days
      • 7 days - The invoice amount is due for more then 7 days but less then 14 days
      • 14 days - The invoice amount is due for more then 14 days but less then 30 days
      • 30 days - The invoice amount is due for more then 30 days but less then 60 days
      • 60 days - The invoice amount is due for more then 60 days

    (Red colour means warning - default after 14 days)


    Sum the total payments recorded on invoices raised on this job

      • Current - the total payments days in the last 7 days
      • 7 days - the total payments recorded from 7 days ago to 14 days ago
      • 14 days - the total payments recorded from 14 days ago to 30 days ago
      • 30 days - the total payments recorded from 30 days ago to 60 days ago
      • 60 days - the total payments recorded at least 60 days ago

    *Note - we can change the duration (7 days/14 days .. ) or the warning indication (red colour - for example raising the warning only after 60 days)