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    Can you explain your development, staging and disaster recovery environments?

    System is configured as a fault tolerant cluster.

    Development Environment

    We normally use our own in-house development servers, as they are already setup and configured to our solution server requirements it is cost effective and efficient.

    Production Environment

    For production environments we we recommend a HA Server Cluster. A minimum of two servers would be configured in a high availability fashion so that you can kill one and the outside world would not know.

    Two client facing servers allows us to do a rolling restart.

    Disaster Recovery Environment

    The level of Disaster Recovery environment we can provide is only limited by client need and cost. As a minimum standard DR we have a 2 hour hardware replacement guarantee from the hosting provider and the system is backed up off site. The next level of DR would require 4 servers at a minimum.

    The backups ( quite expensive half the cost of the server itself) are off site and kept for 1 week.

    The system itself records every change ever made, we can tell which user changed which fields/values from the beginning of time. This is done by having a live and delta tables. We can view record sets at any point of time.

    Staging Environment

    For the staging we recommend using our existing servers. When we do an install, it's a complete clean install and we copy the configuration from the previous release. With two ( or more ) client facing servers we can do a rolling restart without a noticeable outage. We can fall back to the previous release by changing the symbolic link and restart. The application database ( not client data) and full source code is included in the install.