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    How to use the "Web Folders" from Mac OS

    You can use cloud file manager as a web folder (webDAV) on Mac by "Map network drive" lunching Finder and choosing the menu item "connect to server" from the "Go" menu.

    Connect to server

     Choose "Connect to a server"

    Connect to server dialog


    Then enter the URL of your Job Track server https://hostname/dav 

    You'll then be asked for your user name and password:- 

     Enter your user name password

    Now the files will be listed as if they were local to the Mac:-

    Mac using webdav

    by:Nigel Leck - 9 Sep 2014
    How to use the "web folders" from Ubuntu file Explorer

    To mount the cloud file manager as a web folder (webDAV) using Ubuntu 13.04

    1. From Ubuntu file manager "File" menu choose "connect to server"connect to server
    2. Enter the connection details
      1. server URL
      2. type "WebDAV (HTTP)"
      3. Folder "/dav/docs"
      4. Your user name & passwordConnection dialog
    3. Navigate to the required web folderMounted web folders

    Note: Must use HTTP to mount web folders in Ubuntu 12.04 due to an intermittent error "SSL Handshake" 


    by:Nigel Leck - 29 Aug 2013
    How to use the "web folders" from Windows Explorer

    You can use cloud file manager as a web folder (webDAV) on Windows 8 by right clicking on "Computer" and then "Map network drive"

    Map a network drive

     Click on "Connect to a website..."

    Connect to webdav


    Then enter the URL of your Job Track server https://hostname/dav 

    Enter the URL

    You'll then be asked for your user name and password:- 

     Enter user name and password

    A success dialog will be shown with an option to open the location


    Now the files will be listed as if they were local to the machine:-

    remote file lists

    by:Nigel Leck - 15 Aug 2013