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    Tag Cloud

    Hosting Service Level Agreement (SLA)

    Back-ups & Redundancy

    All databases are backed up and transferred off site nightly.

    As part of the document storage process files have a SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) hash calculated and then the files are compressed and encrypted. The SHA-1 and the encryption keys are stored in the client's database. The compressed encrypted documents are stored on multiple file server nodes in the cluster. Each night the encrypted documents are replicated off site.

    by:Tina Odling - 29 Sep 2015
    Local business marketing brochure

    DL Flyer FRONT


     DL Flyer back

    by:Tina Odling - 7 Aug 2014
    Important notice about the Heartbleed bug for stSoftware customers


    The Heartbleed Bug is a recently discovered vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptographic software library used by many of the world’s web servers to secure information using TLS. If the web site is vulnerable then a hacker could expose 64k of the server's memory without any trace in the server's logs. The server's memory exposed could include the server's private encryption key or other information such as usernames and passwords. 

    by:Tina Odling - 11 Apr 2014
    What are the security, back-up, disaster recovery and firewall services?


    Industry standard best practice for passwords for both the web server and Linux machines. Site designers do not have direct access to the underlying Linux server, the raw database or files. All changes are done within sandbox of the system. 

    by:Tina Odling - 26 Nov 2013
    Easily integrated with other web applications through open standards.

    Users may access all allowed data via the Web Forms or via Industry standard protocols such as:

    • ReST which returns data in both JSON and XML formats. 
    • SOAP 
    • WebDav
    • ICal 
    • GWT RPC
    • JDBC

    All requests for data or modification to data goes via the DAL ( Data Access Layer) no matter which protocol is used. There is NO direct access to the underlying data store. The DAL checks the ACLs ( Access Control Limits ) for each data request and performs all validations on each data modification. When data is modified

    by:Tina Odling - 26 Nov 2013
    Well supported with adequate and timely technical support.

    Online technical documentation

    • User Help
    • Developer APIs
    • Check our BLOG page for quick answers to some of our most common support requests. 

    by:Tina Odling - 5 Sep 2013
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